Manufacturing System Definition:
A collection of integrated equipment & human resources, whose
function is to perform one or more processing and/or assembly operations on a starting
raw materials, part, or set of parts.
Components of a Manufacturing System
1. Production
2. Material
Handling System
3. Computer
Control System
4. Human
A Classification Scheme for Manufacturing Systems
1. Type
of Operations Performed
2. Numbers
of Workstations
3. System
4. Automation
& Manning Levels
Manufacturing Equipment includes:
1. Production
machines and tools
2. Material
handling and
3. work
positioning devices
4. Computer
5. Human
resources: are required either full-time or periodically to keep the system running.
A manufacturing system consists of several components:
1. Production machines plus tools, fixtures & other
related hardware
2. Material handling system
3. Computer systems to coordinate and/or control the
above components
4. Human workers.
Machines can be classified as:
Manually operated:
control or supervised by a human worker.
i.e. lathes, milling machines, drill presses
Semi-automated: performs
a portion of the work cycle under some from of program control, and human worker
tends to the machine for the remainder of the cycle, by loading and unloading it
or performing.
i.e. CNC lathe controlled.
Fully automated.: operates for extended periods
of time with no human attention.
i.e. injection molding machines.
Material Handling System
The following material handling functions must be provided:
1. Loading work units at each station
2. Positioning the work units at each station
3. Unloading work units at each station
4. Transportation of work units between station in multi-station
manufacturing systems
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