
Wednesday, 31 July 2013

GATE 2014 preparation tips Mechanical

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GATE    -Mechanical Engineering & PI   

Study Material for GATE

Following    Topics    are    very    important    for    GATE    Examination   
Subject    wise    Priority    List   

1. Mathematics
2. Manufacturing Science
3. Industrial Engineering
4. SOM
5. TOM
6. Design
7. Thermodynamics
8. Fluid Mechanics
9. Heat Transfer
10. RAC
11. Power plant
12. IC Engine
13. Engineering Materials
14. Engineering Mechanics

1.  Mathematics   
a)  Probability and Statistics
b)  Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
c)  Differential Equations
d)  Transform Theory
e)  Numerical Methods
f)  Calculus, Gradient, Multiple Integrals
g)  Complex Variables
h)  Matrix Algebra
i)  Fourier Series
j)  Partial Derivatives
2.  Manufacturing    Science   
a)  Theory of metal cutting, forces, tool life
b)  Rolling calculations
c)  Wire drawing and Extrusion Calculations
d)  Sheet metal operations, clearance, force, power, shear calculations
e)  Lathe, drilling, milling, shaping cutting time calculations
f)  Grinding and finishing
g)  ECM MRR, feed calculations, EDM theory, comparison of all NTMM
h)  NC, CNC, Machine, BLU calculations, upto M & G code
i)  Limit, tolerance, fit 
j)  Jig & Fixture, 3-2-1 principle
k)  Welding: V-I Characteristics calculations, Resistance welding calculations
l)  Casting: allowances, Riser Design, Sprue Design, Pouring time calculations, Special

3.  Industrial    Engineering   
a)  EOQ Models  (VIMP)
b)  PERT & CPM  (VIMP)
c)  Queuing Model (VIMP)
d)  Forecasting (VIMP)
e)  LPP
f)  Work Study & Work Measurement (standard time calculations, theriblings symbol)
g)  Break even Analysis
h)  The Scheduling Problem and Johnson’s Rule
i)  Assembly line balancing

4.  SOM   
a)  Principal Stress and Strain (VIMP)
b)  Stress and Strain (VIMP)
c)  Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram (VIMP)
d)  Torsion
e)  Riveted and Welded Joint
f)  Spring
g)  Theories of Column (Euler method, end conditions)
h)  Strain Energy Method (Castigliano’s theory)
i)  Theories of failure
j)  Thin and Thick cylinder
5.  TOM   
a)  Mechanism (VIMP)
b)  Linear Vibration Analysis of Mechanical Systems (VIMP) 
c)  Gear train  (VIMP)
d)  Flywheel (Coefficient of Fluctuation of speed, Coefficient of Fluctuation of energy)
6.    Design   
a)  Rolling Contact Bearings, Load-life Relationship
b)  Sliding contact bearing, Modes of Lubrication, Sommerfeld Number
c)  Fluctuating Load Consideration for Design
d)  Clutch , Brake

7.    Thermodynamics   
a)  Basic Concepts
b)  Application of First law
c)  Entropy, Availability
d)  Pure Substance (VIMP)
e)  Gases and Gas mixture
f)  Thermodynamics relations
8.    Fluid    Mechanics   
a)  Properties of fluid
b)  Pressure measurement, manometers
c)  Fluid kinematics (VIMP)
d)  Bernoulli’s Equation
e)  Venturimeter
f)  Boundary Layer, Thermal Boundary Layer
g)  Compressible Flow
h)  Hydraulic Turbine
i)  Centrifugal Pump
9.    Heat    Transfer   
a)  Conduction
b)  Critical Thickness of Insulation
c)  Unsteady  Conduction (Lumped Parameter Analysis)
d)  Heat Exchangers (LMTD, NTU)
e)  Radiation (The Stefan-Boltzmann Law, Shape Factor Algebra, Heat Exchange between Non-
black Bodies)
10.    RAC   
a)  Heat engine, heat pump, refrigerator (VIMP)
b)  Vapour Compression Systems
c)  Psychrometry (VIMP)
11.    Power    plant   
a)  Steam Cycle (VIMP)
b)  Gas Cycle
c)  Compressor
12.    IC    Engine   
a)  Gas Power Cycles (All)  (VIMP)
b)  IC Engine Performances
c)  Octane number, cetane number

13.    Engineering    materials
a)  Iron-carbon Equilibrium diagram, TTT diagram, 
b)  Heat treatment, 
c)  Crystal structure & crystal defects
14.    Engineering    Mechanics 
a)  Equilibrium
b)  Truss